Tuesday, October 2, 2007

a hankering

i'm sure you know how it is... the afternoon has rolled around, and it's not even close to dinner, and it's still too close to lunch to even really be worrying about dinner... and yet. i think a peanut butter and apple sandwich is in order. the snack of champions. too bad i don't have any of these ingredients handy today, but the picture looks good.

last night, marie's grandmother flew diligently across several states to visit and she brought me a nice little pile of fabric! new-to-me fabric presents are such a treat... it's like getting a brand spanking new journal with blank pages waiting for some creative bug to bite (regardless of if it ever does! i have hundreds of just-started journals to prove it, beginning in preschool).

hopefully, i'll get around to using it soon (and showing my projects... dang camera/scanner debacle).

1 comment:

K.N.M. said...

Your talk of peanut butter, new journals and apples makes me weak in the knees.