Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Uniform Studio Journal...
:: I started making these little swatch cards to keep track of the fabrics I have. Each one is marked on the back with tape listing the quantity and width of the bolt. I’ll use these at the show to keep track of how many items can be ordered from each fabric. I really like seeing all of the different colors and textures together.::

Monday, January 28, 2008

re: kristin's writers strike post-tv addiction

::not my house. duh::

somehow i feel inspired by kristin's blog, yesterday, "The Strike Rocks My World," wherein she finds she can now tear herself away from the small screen and enjoy the other fruits of living...

here are mine:
1. going out to dinner any time of night you want
2. laundry at the spanish laundromat, complete with awesome music to fold by
3. sewing/painting/getting my artsy side on
4. talking on the phone to friends far and wide
5. playing games
6. i second the movie outing
7. walking the pupster
8. planning out our new apartment

new apartment? well, really it's just the two floors above the one we're living in now. yes, you heard right. somehow our little hideway got sectioned off by the apartment gods into a studio (?!) and a two-floor taj mahal. so we're moving on up in a couple of months and the thought of a) actually having room to breath/work/relax and b) not having to rent a u-haul are making me ecstatic! oh and you can probably cross off number 2 up there because we'll actually have a frickin' washer and dryer. oh happy day.

time to figure out paint colors. i love it.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


contrary to the pre-new york jitters, all went well. however, we're having a serious need for sleepytime back here in boston. i was pleasantly surprised to get the chance to see the broadway play, august:osage county, on sunday. talk about getting sucked into the dramatic family dysfunction! even with the need for two intermissions, i was enthralled from the first monologue to the last whimpers. the set. the set was amazing — built like a giant dollhouse, minus the mute refrain from any nora-like character.

stay warm! and stay healthy. it's been frightful lately.

Friday, January 18, 2008

dog walking dog

woke up early and had time to walk lucca in the rain. every five steps he'd shake from head to the tip of his tail. what a prancer.

heading back to new york tomorrow morning (early! early!) to meet up with marie and company. crossing my fingers this trip will end up being better/less weird/less pretentious than last time. but, as i told my friend andy, sometimes you have to put up with hipster vomit (figurative. not literal. i hope.).

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

busy bee

waking up, I feel like I'm hit with the unending lists of things to do/see/be hovering in the recesses of my brain. that's why I love the bubble-y chart that won craziest list on www.todolistblog.com. in order to properly function, i need to make lists... organize those jumbled bits of thought into a coherent pattern that can be crossed off, and added to. i think it's inherited from the doodle genes that came from my mom... but if it's not written down, it probably won't get taken care of, especially if my brain is focused elsewhere (is it ever NOT focused elsewhere?) and if the task is especially harsh (mailing bills or something).

anyway, here's a to-do list for today:
1. do interview
2. write story (asap!)
3. pick photos for slideshow
4. put away laundry
5. decide on dinner... yum
6. make sure web site works. really works. not kidding.
7. check others' stories
8. decide where to go when i can finally take a vacation.
9. edit audio
10. play with puppy (note: move to top)

that's not it (it never is) but it's a start! have a splendid day...