Tuesday, January 15, 2008

busy bee

waking up, I feel like I'm hit with the unending lists of things to do/see/be hovering in the recesses of my brain. that's why I love the bubble-y chart that won craziest list on www.todolistblog.com. in order to properly function, i need to make lists... organize those jumbled bits of thought into a coherent pattern that can be crossed off, and added to. i think it's inherited from the doodle genes that came from my mom... but if it's not written down, it probably won't get taken care of, especially if my brain is focused elsewhere (is it ever NOT focused elsewhere?) and if the task is especially harsh (mailing bills or something).

anyway, here's a to-do list for today:
1. do interview
2. write story (asap!)
3. pick photos for slideshow
4. put away laundry
5. decide on dinner... yum
6. make sure web site works. really works. not kidding.
7. check others' stories
8. decide where to go when i can finally take a vacation.
9. edit audio
10. play with puppy (note: move to top)

that's not it (it never is) but it's a start! have a splendid day...

1 comment:

K.N.M. said...

I LOVE to do lists. I just made one today.

To answer your question, I think Ripley and Sarah Connor wouldn't fight. They would be the best of ass-kickin' friends.