Thursday, November 20, 2008

crazy busy = no time to blog = silly

wow, wow, wow. practically all of november has passed me by... well not really, but it's passed the blog by. poor blog. but let me do some appeasing.

m and I went to see Tom Stoppard's play, Rock 'n' Roll at the BU Theatre a couple of weeks ago. It takes place in Cambridge, England, and pre-Velvet Revolution Prague (and, to be fair, a little post-velvet, too) following a Stoppard-ish character who is definitely more into his records, than the politics around him. Anyway, once again, the women in the cast blew me away.

Last night, m and I went to see our friend's documentary, journeying to Taiwan. She and her coworker produced, edited, and starred in the film -- a pretty big feat! We were totally impressed, not only by the amount of work they did, but the end product. I'm set to go to Taiwan... ride the train, little some candles, and eat spicy shrimp.

Headed to hang out with the folks for Thanksgiving, so if I don't write again today (entirely possible) have a great turkey day!

Friday, October 31, 2008

halloween costume #1

still appropriate to wear to work... the wicked witch of the east, before the house dropped on her.

tonight is more dressing up, party-going. and then, tomorrow, I get in some nat time! hurray!

happy halloween, kids!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

moment of zen... oh wait...

oh jon stewart, before you were on comedy central, you introduced some pretty wicked/radical/freakin' awesome bands.

including this one.


Monday, October 27, 2008

communist dracula pageant

communists, vlad the impaler, and bears, oh my! Perfectly fitting for Halloween, The Communist Dracula Pageant, written by Anne Washburn and directed by Anne Kauffman, is an eastern bloc circus, drawing parallels between the notorious Romanian regime of Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu, and frickin' Vlad the Impaler, another vicious Romanian, otherwise known as Dracula. although hundreds of years apart, both seemed to suck the life out of the Romanian people. go figure.

my absolute favorite was Karen MacDonald, who played the fake-scientist know-it-all Elena Ceausescu perfectly (not that I knew Elena), especially her post-dead monologue, complete with bullet holes.

The disillusioned dictators were perfect characters in their own reality, and the Communist Dracula Pageant makes their reality better than fiction.

needless to say, m and I enjoyed it, and the A.R.T. venue (a place we've wanted to go to for awhile.). good thing i won those tickets.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

sigh. if only this were out now...

people. it's been one of those days. so i need me some truffle shuffle, and johnny depp. and i need it now. Goonies in the Caribbean. genius.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

changing appearances

new banner, by marie.

beautiful photos of mannequins in a chinatown storefront window.

just in time for halloween. hopefully, i can snag one of these hot happening hairdos myself...

the globs. cd releasing. in all their glory

glowing lollipops! giant, inflatable balls! duct tape dresses and suits! giant puppets! it's not a night at the circus, but The Globs' cd release gig at Harper's Ferry October 14. spectacular, spectacular, indeed.

happy to be alive. by marie.

reflections in the bar casino tv thing at harper's ferry in brighton. if you look verrrry carefully you'll see me next to the pool table. by marie.

flip flop break dance

all i need is my huge boombox, some old-school reeboks, and a little "rappers delight" and we'd be set for some '80s breakdancing. these kids today. i tell ya.

p.s. what's some sugar hill without some grand master?

Friday, October 17, 2008


i've noticed something... whenever i write down a goal, project, something-i'd-like-to-try thingamajig in here, i tend to get it done... or at least attempt to get it done.

i've had a sew/craft/art idea rummaging around in my head for weeks now, and i'm hoping this theory will work. because it sucks not being in a creative rut, but being in a doing rut. procrastination, once again.

last night, m and i spent a significant amount of time boning up on our flash expertise. sitting in front of a computer for hours, playing with all the tools, we started to vegetable-ize. it became necessary to put in the witches of eastwick. halloween is coming, after all.

speaking of which, what am i going to be for halloween? creative juices, start working. now. do it.

the photo above is of a sweater that i borrowed from my mom's discard pile. the hearts are unraveling, but i still love it.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

wiggle room

sometimes, after all the hectic happenings (and the impending hecticness... this weekend is going to be a blurrr!), you need to work in some downtime. so we headed to the Blue Hills Reservation, just a hop, skip, and a jump outside of boston for some hiking. And much needed doggie time (sidenote: his energy is endless. I'm not kidding. after hiking up and down, over rocky terrain, and slippery roads, he was still bouncing.).

The hike was beautiful, even though the fall foliage promised wasn't as eventful — still plenty green last weekend! We sat by Houghton's Pond afterwards to guzzle the last bit of relaxation before heading home. Sunday was cold, drizzly, and we lost our soccer game. boo. hiss.

But with the Boston Latino Film Fest, Open Studios, and free music throughout, we'll be wishing for that drizzly day, I'm sure. shmoozing, no matter what the cause, is never as fun as one would hope...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

delicious samosas, horrid photo

well, since i'm about to eat this ridiculously tasty treat, i figured i'd photograph it for posterity... however, my computer sucks photography-wise. it just wasn't meant to go there, for quality, i mean.

anyway, i made samosas this weekend for a party, and decided to recreate the magic last night for m. and i to indulge in for ourselves. (plus I had leftover ingredients...).

Anyway, here's my wanky samosa recipe directions. I tend to eyeball it a lot, but I'll try my best:

fillo dough (keep refrigerated until ready to use)
1 cup peas (I used frozen organic ones)
1 carrot, chopped finely
2 small potatoes, boiled until soft
1/2 onion (or more, depending on how onion-y you like it)
1 section of garlic, minced (is it a clove?)
1 cup chopped cilantro
a little fresh ginger, chopped
juice of half of a lime
spices to dash in: paprika, cumin, pepper, salt, curry, cinnamon

boil the potatoes until soft, meanwhile sauté the onions and garlic on a medium heat (add some water to not burn the garlic). add the carrots, peas, cilantro, and ginger. add the potatoes. put into a bowl, and let cool while you ready your "fillo dough filling station."

pre-heat oven to 425.
put some olive oil in a bowl, and ready a brush, or a teaspoon (I use the back of the spoon to spread the olive oil onto the fillo dough). ready a nonstick baking pan, or grease.
open the fillo dough package, and select two sheets together. (you can cut them in half, length wise, or fold in half to get the right size. I'm definitely not an expert, it's just my way of getting that really delicate fillo dough to stay together).
Put a tablespoons-worth of filling on one end, then fold the dough back and forth, into a triangle. (like folding a flag for all you boyscouts out there). seal the end with some olive oil.
put on the pan, and repeat with the rest of the filling.

bake the samosas for 15 minutes, or until brown.
then eat.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

quote of the day, y'all

At a BU Q&A with Susan Sarandon last week, this question was posed:

Is Sarah Palin a feminist?

I don’t understand how anyone can claim that she’s a feminist. Is it because she’s cute and feisty and spunky? Is it because she carries a gun and shoots animals from a helicopter? That’s not feminism — that’s the worst aspect of violent male behavior. I think she completely compromises the idea of feminism. And I think it’s a cheap shot to compare her to Hillary Clinton. They don’t have anything in common.
I mean, when you get a woman in government, you want the right woman. You don’t want just any vagina!

Monday, September 22, 2008

travel imminent...

by mfc

crossing my fingers that our turkey day travel plans aren't going to mimic this movie (classic, though it may be). although, now that I think about it, we will probably take the T, get on the plane, and be picked up in a car. well then, i guess it's inevitable! all we need is steve martin, and there'll be no stopping us.

anyway, i know it's a long way off, but we've already booked that flight, and are definitely heading to portugal in january, but except for a hostel booking, that's it. we did listen to a bit of portuguese last night, and i have to say, it's easy to hear how daunting the language can seem.

read this. since no one else is covering it

thank god for k.p. (and boom boom, i guess). at least she's covering the gas-crisis-that-wasn't. check it out. and report back.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

oh snap, lindsay.

Ro.Lo. Like the candy.
Apparently, (since I'm not really in the know, but she intrigues me so I read this stuff) Lindsay Lohan wanted to stump for Barack Obama, but was turned down with a polite ''thanks, but no thanks,'' according to the Chicago Sun-Times.

She offered to host events for younger voters, but the Obama's people said uh uh. Frankly, it seems she's gotten a lot more into politics since she claimed her minority status. now it's not all fun and games, huh lindsay? well, actually, it probably is more fun... and unfortunately more games, considering women. well, some women.

And riding right onto the baby train, big news, of course, Lohan wants to get preggers and raise the baby with Samantha Ronson, according to British newspaper The News of The World. way to rock it, l-lo.

p.s. Here's a parting smack — that Lohan ''is not exactly the kind of high-profile star who would be a positive for us," an Obama team member said.

p.p.s. i'll stop now. i promise i'll be back to other things in the next post. or maybe not! time to join the paparazzi bandwagon, right?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

rockport, ma. sept 13

halibut point, cape ann, ma. photo by d.

if you're coming from ohio, and worried about leaving your brethren back home, don't worry — rockport is chock full of ohioans (including a few of us, by birth... oddly enough). we saw the license plates first, followed by the natty dress rocked by ohio retirees (trust me, i can say this, because i know).

so, the nat-ster, m., and our friend, d., took a road trip up to halibut point state park, with a stop at a little cove along 127. the quarry at halibut looked really, really, familiar, but that could have just been a coincidence. then, we headed to rockport, to check out motif #1, eat lunch, and enjoy the lovely, non-walmarty commerce of bearksin neck. and eat ice cream.

rockport is a mere hop, skip, and a jump from boston, up route 1, and it's on the commuter rail line, so if we want to go back (which we do) and take our bikes (which we do), we can — without worrying about parking.

Monday, September 15, 2008


dumplings. dumplings. by m.
this was a weekend to point to and say, 'ha! there is such a thing as true, continuous happiness. so there.' in the midst of work, and getting ready for m's photography show (which is amazing!), i think we were walking around in a stupor. but, the opening on friday was fabulous — friends coming from out of town, enjoying each other's company — and the weekend just flowed from there, with nat and our friend from nashville heading to rockport, missing the ridiculous rain somehow, sailing on sunday, and another jaunt to chinatown with henry and sofy. love.

sun sun market, by m.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

ode to the t

by m.
it's been more than a year now since we moved from the mecca of motorists, (otherwise known as the midwest), to boston... and i still love the T. i heard from all the other bostonites that after 6 mos. i'd be done with the crowded, rank-aired, delayed, 'another-train-is-behind-us' hoopla, but i'm not. and it tisn't just because of gas prices, or the stress of the commute, or that i get home in the same amount of time regardless of the weather (hello snowstorm of december '07! 20 minutes! in my pj's while everyone else is still in their cars for another four hours!)... it's actually because riding in the car hurts my ass. i must have had a callous or something from my early years driving every. where. but, heading to rockport this past weekend gave me butt burn, and a crick in my back.

so anyway, thanks, T, for saving me bodily pain. even if you are annoying sometimes.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


i can't believe she won austntm. seriously. it was rigged.

Peanut Butter... and Jelly

for me, it's hard to eat potato chips without craving a juicy orange after... analogy meaning, I like my salty and sweet together.

In the online video world, I guess my equivalent would be combining a debate on taking the veil on blogging heads tv with (what else?) Australia's Next Top Model on youtube. So, here's a taste of viewing, kim-style:

happy watching!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Bar Harbor, Maine. July 21 to 23

M and Le Doggie were able to come on this leg of the trip, after a short and ridiculous hot stop in Boston. We stayed in a teeny tiny cottage on Mount Desert Island that actually had a bit of room to spare after fitting in five adults and one puppy (kind of like a clown car in house form).

The mood was perfectly Maine-ish, with some overcast skies and cooler days. We hiked up Cadillac Mountain, explored Acadia, and Bar Harbor. M and I even had a chance to do some beach explorations near College of the Atlantic, while the fam did shopping in town. Can't wait to go back -- it's only a five hour drive, people!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Vermont. July 12 to 18

there is always too much to say about vacations... especially my parents' version of a vacation. As mentioned in previous posts, my parents love love love to go go go. We stayed around Mount Ascutney, which was covered in wildflowers and ski lifts (unfortunately inoperable during the summer. what gives? does no one understand the power of a summery ride up the mountain? Ober Gatlinburg, anyone?). Each day was packed with visits to the Old Constitution House, Saint Gaudens Memorial, Quechee Gorge, a trip down to Fort Ticonderoga, and the Shelburne Museum (which is totally what my uncle will have to do with all of his stuff).

Saint Gaudens Memorial. By my Dad.

Bikes at the Constitution House. By me.

Monday, July 7, 2008

final frontier

well, it was a completely productive fourth of july weekend in boston (which i don't say very often. so let's celebrate). not only did we paint our bathroom on sunday (even behind the toilet. seriously), nat came up on friday and in no uncertain terms claimed it was screenprinting time... okay, so she didn't 'claim' anything, but she did arrive with several newly bought plain t-shirts and asked, "so, are we screenprinting guys?"

I have to say, even though the above example is a more funk-a-fied print than what I had planned, there were no bad ones in the bunch. we each made a design and had the chance to see our creative sides turn into wearable art. wearable unique cool art, that is. (I'm feeling italicized today...).

anyway, m. turned out to be the screenprinting maximizer. anyone surprised? no. didn't think so. it wasn't just one print per shirt. ever. it was at least two prints, front and back, in different colors.

needless to say, we haven't put any of it away, because, according to her, we will be doing more screenprinting this week. until i head to the woods of Vermont with my parents and uncle bobby. hence william shatner below. I'll have to tell that one later....

Thursday, July 3, 2008

museum of science

The museum of science is on my mind, not only because i recently re-found some photos from our first visit there (ha!), but because they have a new planeterium show (did I say I was a nerd?). Anyway, if you are as concerned/fascinated with the demotion of Pluto as I am, then What Happened to Pluto? is right up your alley, as well. I mean, one second it's part of our planetary hub, the next it's just a rock in the kuiper belt. it's got to sting. it really does.

Monday, June 23, 2008

a spoonful of sugar

before I met m, there was a long list of (un)official guidelines I was looking for in a partner... you know the type, must have: a sense of humor, a sense of adventure, confidence. nothing set in stone, mind you, but another one was exhibited last night when she convinced me to pull out my cello and play a little. just for fun. I whined. I was agitated. But it was nice sitting in our slightly muggy little living room playing whatever she pulled out of my music bag. So, I guess, another one would be: must challenge me and push me to do what's good for me. like eating vegetables or something.

anyway, it's been awhile since I've taken photos of my cello (Charlie, yes he has a name), but I do have one of me cleaning up a little on the sailboat. enjoy.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

frankie say reeelaaaxxx

been doing a little couch sitting (equals reading, watching movies, staring at the sunset through our front windows), a little walking around the neighborhood, a little cooking, a little staring out into space wondering if my tomato plants are going to grow a tomato or two. m keeps asking me if they're okay, by the way, which is not really so funny because i do tend to talk to my plants and give them words of encouragement. oooh frickin' salmonella won't stop me once those red fruits start popping out!

anyway, here's a little bit more reflection. patty griffin. trust me, you can take the extra two and a half minutes out of your day to take a listen.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

check one off the list

Ranjani Shettar. Sun-sneezers blow light bubbles.
Well, surprise, surprise! It didn't take until August to get my foot in the door of the ICA. The Street Level exhibition definitely pulled me in, especially seeing Robin Rhode's performance art up close and personal. I don't think the Anish Kapoor exhibit would have been quite the same without the crowds provided by the free Thursday nights. Walking up to his sculptures and seeing the reflections/the engaged masses really added to the experience. Loved it!

Thursday, June 5, 2008


on the way back from new york, I carried this container full of herbs all the way. on the bus. on the subway. up the stairs. they were a gift from our friend, jess, and they seem to be doing well. it's amazing how different food tastes with fresh herbs added to the cooking. in one word, deeelish!

I also picked up a a couple varieties of tomato plant (in hindsight... why? but maybe I can compare/contrast), some peppers, and a couple seed packs of squash and carrots (the baby variety). It's all about the container garden, since we don't actually have any dirt around our apartment to grow veggies. it's all concrete and asphalt, folks. but i decided to not let it stop me this year.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I added some orange circles last night, which looks purty, but haven't taken a pic yet of the next process. welcome to the way i define therapeutic. (and a theme I apparently like to follow)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

a night down christopher street. nyc.

Piper Perabo in Reasons to be Pretty. Photo by Joan Marcus

Thursday, May 22. While our friends rounded out their ultra-list of new york [read: statue of liberty, ellis island, ground zero, little italy, AND the empire state building. yes.], m and i made a beeline for the Metropolitan Museum of Art. More than 20 years after the rest of us, M has discovered the delights of children's literature, and she had to know if the Met was as fabulous and free as described in "The Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler."

After a cozy little lunch with our friend, Jess, across from Bryant Park it was off to the International Center of Photography to see some... photography... and then to sweet shop Serendipity. oh the dreams i've had since of that apple pie...

Anyway! The adventure continues, since M wanted to walk from our chelsea hotel down to christopher street. we almost walked past the Lucille Lortel Theatre, until Piper Perabo's name jumped out at us (Did I mention that Imagine Me and You is our ultimate feel-good flick? some girls like Fight Club. We're more of a happy ending type family).

Pablo Schreiber threatens Thomas Sadoski, right before Sadoski kicks his ass.

We checked out the box office, and scored front row seats to Reasons to be Pretty by Neil LaBute. Other than the disappointment in a lack of nudity (the poster threw me off), the play was great, offset by performances by Pablo Schreiber (Kent), and Alison Pill (Steph). But wow, Thomas Sadoski (Greg), was amazing. His interactions with girlfriend, then ex-girlfriend, Steph were painfully realistic and full of humor.

Afterwards, we saw the cast on the street (fighting the temptation to say hi.) then grabbed some sweet potato fries at Cowgirl. We were sleepy and happy and heading back when fake snow and lights caught our attention on Bleecker Street. Yes, that's Catherine Zeta-Jones across the street, doing several takes for her movie, The Rebound and while I have nothing else other than the fact that she gave a wave from the makeup chair, and that she's tiny (breaking news!), it was cool to see the filming. (fake snow! christmas wreaths and lights! wonder when this one's coming out....)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

pork and nail polish. together. forever.

you know you can't help yourself. click on the photo to learn why you, as a woman, need both pork and nail polish. please. (it's stuff like this that makes me love and stuff like this that makes me cry a little).

Monday, May 26, 2008

Orleans, Massachusetts, Cape Cod

Photo by J. A.

There are only a few types of vacationers. One type prefers to stick their umbrella in the sand, lay down their towel, slather on the sunscreen and work on their tan for five to seven days, approximately. Type B can only be defined as the 'crammers' — You make a list of everything you want to do in a place and god willin' and the crick don't rise you're gonna do them. I, of course, grew up with the type b's of this world and found it hard to identify with the former, until I began traveling without my family... and discovered the oftentimes neglected type c — you make a list, grab the sunscreen, and go with the flow. sometimes you see the pantheon, sometimes you go to the coliseum, but darling, you can't see it all and still call it a vacation.

Two of our friends came to visit last week and proved that actually it doesn't matter what type you are, as long as you have a great time with your selected type. After picking them up in Providence, R.I., we drove on a whim to Orleans, Mass. and it wasn't beach weather, but it was beautiful... after that, we no longer had them captive so they ran amuck, covering as much as possible. They're exhausted now, but they had a grrreat time.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sunday Sailing

Sunset in our neighborhood, by Nat.

After a whirlwind of Boston fun with some friends in town (including the awesome Museum of Science, a short trip to Harvard, and Cape Cod), we ventured to NYC (more on that later!). So this weekend, we took Nat and her boy out on a Piers Park Sonar for a spin around Long Island, since it was Marie's personal goal to go under the bridge out there.

What a ridiculously beautiful day, although I have to say I'm slightly tired (but it's a good tired!).

Monday, May 19, 2008

high on chocolate

apparently I can't get enough... my cravings for balloon rides have seriously escalated... anyone else? white water rafting after? followed by some luscious chocolatey nougat?

Sunday, May 18, 2008

at work, rest, or play

for those hearty woodsmen (or, ehem, women), don't forget to pick up your milky way bar! oh, the good old days, when after a long day of white water rafting you build a fire and sink your teeth into a nice candy bar. delish!

** check out the covert use of a (gasp!) real milky way used as a prop... the extra tug needed to extract both sides, with that nougat and caramel center.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

from the art

William Cordova, "Wholesellers, Retailers & Bullshitters" (detail), 2005. Ink, graphite, gold leaf on paper.

It's been a while since I last mentioned the ICA, and how much fun I have there, but here's another great time to broach the subject once again: Street Level presents recent work by three promising artists whose works draw directly from street culture: Mark Bradford (Los Angeles), William Cordova (Lima, Miami, New York) and Robin Rhode (Cape Town, Johannesburg, Berlin). And it's up through October 19. Guess what? It's still May. But don't think, well hey, I have time, because I always do that, and then frick, it's November and you've wasted a perfectly good art exhibit. Again.

Robin Rhode, Still from "Untitled, Harvest," 2005. Digital animation.

So, you heard it here first. I've made a solemn vow (ooh, I might regret this!) to go to the ICA. so there. and have a great tuesday.

Mark Bradford, "Spinning Man" (detail), 2007. Mixed media collage on canvas.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

only a few more days

to see the BU mfa art exhibit. and it's free. plus there are paintings of naked women, which supposedly is revolutionary. I guess the TV reporters never heard of this work of art. i heard it also caused quite a stir in its day...

The MFA Student Exhibitions 2008 runs through May 4. The MFA Graphic Design Exhibition is at the BU Art Gallery at the Stone Gallery, 855 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA. The MFA Painting and Sculpture Exhibition is at the 808 Gallery, 808 Commonwealth Ave. The MFA/BFA Art Education and Studio Teaching Exhibition is at the Commonwealth Gallery, 855 Commonwealth Ave.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

the globs

take a listen to the globs, here at their good old MySpace page. My favorite is "I Hate the 21st Century," but Marie is partial to "Happy 2 B Alive." They have this poppy keyboarding flair, but seeing them at the Middle East last night definitely solidified their rock-a-bility (not to be confused with rockabilly. *sigh).

this was the second trip to the M.E. within three days, since we met up with Marie's friend Mandy there on Friday night, ate some middle eastern food, and drank sam adams summer ale (I liked it, but Marie is a dark-beer kinda girl). there were swarms of lesbians there (ehem, kristin) otherwise known as 'faaamleee' thanks to my former coworker ms. tammy.

last night's trip was a bit unexpected, since we haven't been out to see a friend's band in a while... our friend, linda, is the bassist and she was fabulous — but of course, she didn't think so, which is an annoying musician thing they do (I'm allowed to say that since I've done it many a time... a minor temper tantrum in the choir room after a particularly heinous cello performance at church in sixth grade will bring a slight cringe to my dad's face every time... all he said was, "you did a great job," poor man).

anyway, two thumbs up from the peanut gallery.


it's my sister's birthday, the day i feel like she's catching up to me, again!

happy birthday, pootsk!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

long weekend

a shot from montreal, unrelated to this post of course

here in beantown, we celebrate a little known holiday called patriots day, which equals a day off for some and not for others (as the woman in the dunkin' donuts said, while trying to find out if any banks were open to provide her with ones and fives: "this is one of those half-ass holidays").

unintentionally in celebration of a random holiday, m and i met a friend i hadn't seen in a year in a half on friday. then, we spur-of-the-moment style, boarded a bus the next day to nyc to see a friend's thesis show. the conversation was philosophical, discussing political protests and constantly fighting for the truth through protest/art... my question was, how do you know what the truth is/where to find it? how do you make that decision? gut reaction?

then we took the 3 a.m. train home.

in other news: we won our soccer game sunday, yeah! and spent a day at the beach with the pup monday, yeah! and I got a sunburn, boo...

Monday, April 14, 2008


here's something my sister sent me. it reminded me of my student newspaper days. *sigh* i still don't quite know how we did it, but maybe it was headlines like this that pulled us through (hehe. pun intended)

After the LSU tiger's hired Trent Johnson as the head coach of the mens
basketball team, the student's daily newspaper headline read:

"LSU officially grabs Stanford's Johnson"

I haven't seen if this is actually true, yet. but i love the fact that it might have been...

Monday, March 31, 2008

comics that make you go hmm...

well, for instance, this one makes sense, kinda... but there are others, many others that make me wonder what in the flip is going on... like this one:

but then again, i don't always make sense either. which makes me smile. thanks, natalie dee.